Power-User's Guide to Gmail

Power-User's Guide to Gmail

Tips and tricks to search and organize emails in Gmail.

Did you know that there are better ways to search than to search with keywords? Let us look at ways to zero in on the messages you are looking for.

Find messages by sender

from: someone@somedomain.com

from: @somedomain.com

Find messages by the recipient

The recipient would generally be the address of your mailbox but exceptions exist.

to: myemail@somedomain.com

to: myemail+abc@somedomain.com

Find messages by subject


Find messages that have these words but not a few other words

word1 word2 word3 -word4

Find messages by size

larger:5M larger than 5MB

smaller:1K smaller than 1KB

smaller:1 smaller than 1 byte

Find messages by date range

after:2022/8/2 before:2022/8/17

Composite search query

from:(@somedomain.com OR @someotherdomain.com) to:(myemail@gmail.com OR myotheremail@gmail.com) subject:("this subject") word1 word2 word3 -{notThisword, "also not this"} has:attachment -in:chats larger:1K after:2022/8/2 before:2022/8/17

Free-up Used Storage

See if you can delete the large emails that take up more space first.

larger:5M for emails larger than 5MB

Delete promotional emails.

Is it that only the emails are taking most of the space? The storage available in a Google account is shared with Google Drive, Gmail, Google Photos, and Family storage.

Click the storage used to link at the bottom of the Gmail mailbox.

It will take you to the storage details page of the Google account.

Get More Storage

Upgrade for more storage or even better try Google Workspace for free for a limited time. With Google Workspace you get more storage, standard Google apps, and can have your email address with a custom domain like hello@yourname.com. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

Did You Know

Your Gmail address can practically be used as unlimited different email addresses. Here’s how.

While sharing your email with anyone or on any online form instead of using


use this format


for example



This is helpful to categorize promotional emails with the important ones.